by MrsWallace | Nov 20, 2023
Theme 2: The Woodland Supermarket The theme for our outdoor learning was the woodland supermarket and we learnt about some ways they made materials back in Torak’s time. There were three stations: Station one – we were squeezing apples to make apple...
by MrsWallace | Nov 5, 2023
Lego Fractions! 5/11/23 Primary 5 have moved on to learn about fractions – our multiplication and division from last block link really nicely with our new learning! Today we were using Lego to investigate fractions. We had to create a Lego tower then investigate...
by MrsWallace | Oct 8, 2023
For our novel study P6/7 have begun to read ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ by Ross MacKenzie. Before we started the book we discussed the cover and the blurb, looking at clues in the pictures and the words to see if we could guess what the story might be about....
by MrsWallace | Oct 8, 2023
Primary 1 have continued learning about letters, sounds and numbers. In numeracy, we have been identifying numbers and learning how to write them correctly. We have been making numbers in different ways, using a variety of materials. We enjoy using the Ten Frames and...
by MrsWallace | Sep 25, 2023
We have been looking at place value, we have played games and also transferred it to our outdoor learning sessions. image-20230831-125756-cbfa9c83 image-20230831-125550-128c8f7c image-20230830-102538-09088981 image-20230830-102356-f7aac82d...