Life as an Eco-Rep

The eco-committee is a club for staff, pupils and parents to talk about how to make the world a better place. The eco-committee sometimes help the school by picking up litter in the school playground.

We interviewed Oscar Weipers about what they do at their Eco-meetings and how it helps the school and the environment.

What do you do in the meetings?

“In the Eco-committee we work on making the school a greener place”

“On the first Eco-meeting we got lots of papers with subjects on them and we had to choose four of them, we chose litter, wildlife, transport and compost.”


Who ran the Eco-meetings?

“As far as I can remember it was Miss Annand and then it was Mr Bramhall and now we don’t have anyone to host the Eco-committee.”

“There haven’t been any Eco-meetings for the last month so I would like it to start again.”

(the above from Aedan)


Our School Eco Committee was established in October 2006. The committee comprises of pupils, parents and staff members and we meet at least twice a term to discuss the school environmental action plan.

Good News!

We earned our BRONZE award in October 2007 and SILVER in May 2008.

In October 2011 we got our GREEN FLAG!


The Eco-Code

If you want the Eco flag don’t drop a single bag

Don’t drop litter or you’ll be bitter

Leave the car and be an eco star

Only take the car if you are going far

Turn off the light or the bill will give you a big fright

Turn off the light if there’s no one in sight!

Don’t throw things away – use them another day

Don’t throw your paper far and wide

Make sure you use the other side

Remember this tip – don’t let the taps go drip, drip, drip!

A full washing machine and a shorter shower

Save on water and also power

By West Linton Primary School pupils and Eco Committee


We have lots more ideas and we are always looking for ways to be more green. If you have any good ideas for us please let us know.

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