P6 2022/23 Learning Updates

We are proud to inform you that the content in our Learning Updates is created by our “Digital Leaders”.

Debating in P6!

Primary 6 have been learning about debating and how to have an effective debate. Today we debated weather or not we should have zoos in this...

World Book Day

World Book Day

=World Book Day! For world book day we were able to dress up as a book character which lots of us did! We enjoyed the booky breakfast and then we...

Bike ability p6

Bike ability p6

BikeabilityLast week we had bikeability training which was amazing! On Monday the whole year group was outside with the instructors to recap the...

P6 CPR training

P6 CPR training

Thursday 23rd February 2023Today we had a visit from Estelle at the fire service. She taught us how to perform CPR and how to check if a person...