Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai

P6/7 Malala yousafzai 19/10/23 This term P6/7 has been studying Malala and her story. We have been reading her books and writing a biography about her life and...
P7 Pantomime

P7 Pantomime

P7 Class Blog Post 2.11.23 Rehearsals have been ramping up in P6/7 for our Christmas panto ‘Aladdin Trouble’. Lots of lines to learn and songs to practise. We can’t wait to see you all in a few weeks for our performances!...

Ms. Curson’s Catch Up – October 2023

The month of October has been a busy one despite the holiday.   We look forward to some exciting and spooky times ahead with Halloween Disco almost upon us.   Here are some good news stories from October:  At our Parent Council Meeting on 2nd of October we ratified...
Astronaut interview

Astronaut interview

September 2023 A few weeks ago, Seb’s Dad met an astronaut called Kate Rubins. Primary 2 were able to write some questions for her and we were very lucky as Seb’s Dad came to visit to show us a video which he made of Kate answering some of our questions....
P1 Funky Fingers

P1 Funky Fingers

Funky Fingers in Primary One This week our funky fingers activities have been based on the story Incy Wincy Spider.  We have had lots of fun with the spider themed tasks! The teachers have had to be very brave with all of the spiders in the room!   *We folded...