Pupil Voice


The aim of the Pupil Voice is to give the pupils a say in some of the decisions that are made in the school. We think this is very important because it is our school and sometimes we have great ideas for making it even better.

The Pupil Voice group and they make developments in the school based on the Education Scotland document ‘How Good is OUR school’  At each meeting the Pupil Voice Group have an agenda or an area to discuss.  This session there is representation from each class in school.

 As well as the Pupil Voice group, all pupils in school are encouraged to share their opinion related to themes in How Good is OUR school.  Each term we hold a whole pupil voice assembly and have discussed matters such as ‘Our School Values’, ‘What makes us unique’, ‘What makes an excellent teacher’, ‘What makes and excellent pupil’, ‘How could we improve our playground.’  From these assemblies we have been able to shape policy e.g. Our School Vision, Values and Aims, Our Curriculum Rationale, Our Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and have also worked with the PTA to buy playground equipment to support our right to play.