Our School

West Linton Primary School is a rural primary school in the Tweeddale Learning Community of Scottish Borders Council.

Our school building opened in October 2013 and sits in the heart of the beautiful village of West Linton. The school’s catchment area extends beyond the village incorporating outlying areas and including the village of Carlops and parts of Dolphinton.

The school has a Head Teacher and Depute. This year we have nine classes together with our Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) centre which offers both morning and afternoon sessions. Our learners are supported by our Additional Needs Assistants (ANAs) and we have visiting specialists in Art, PE and Music as well as a brass instructor.

Our building offers an excellent environment for learning – bright, spacious class areas, small tutorial rooms, a large games hall, separate dining hall and extensive school grounds with a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA). Our building is open to the community beyond the school day.

We have an active and supportive Parent Council and PTA who help us to deliver the school’s improvement plans, provide us with additional funding, organise social events for our school community and enhance the learning within our school.

Please see the Documents area of the website where you will find the current School Handbook and also links to the latest School Improvement Plan and School Improvement Report.

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