Ms. Curson’s Catch Up – October 2023

19th October 2023

The month of October has been a busy one despite the holiday. 

 We look forward to some exciting and spooky times ahead with Halloween Disco almost upon us. 

 Here are some good news stories from October: 

  • At our Parent Council Meeting on 2nd of October we ratified two new Policies (Religious Observance and Home Learning).  We also discussed the 10 year school anniversary plans.  Thank you for our Parent Council for funding an art installation to go in our library and also the birthday cakes we will be eating on the day to celebrate our birthday. 
  • We have enjoyed partnership working with Action for Children who spoke with all of our P4-7 classes about their Bouncing Back programme.  This promotes resilience and emotional wellbeing.   
  • The Weather Vane from the old West Linton Primary School was attached to our new building to commemorate our 10 year anniversary.  This project was initially conceived by Gavin Jefcoate, Architect and previous West Linton Community Council member, having rescued the weathervane from the demolition of the old school. Richard O’Conner of ROC Workshops stored the weathervane and has been integral in the design, coordination, restoration and remounting. Structural design has been carried out by Alan Isherwood, a parent of a pupil at the school. The project has been further facilitated by West Linton Community Council, in collaboration with Mrs Curson Head Teacher and Scottish Borders Council.  

The project has been kindly funded by the Alice Hamilton Trust, as the works fall within their remit ‘for the preservation, upkeep and improvement and fabric and amenity of the village ‘ (of West Linton).  


 Still to come in October: 

  • Showbie Parent event.  Please come along to school on Monday 23rd October for a Showbie event.  If you are a P5-7 parent, then your child’s PLP will be shared this way so it is important that you know how to access it.  We look forward to welcoming you and ask you to bring your child and their Inspire iPad.