We welcome Mrs Ruth Vinyard to Primary 7. Mrs Vinyard has increased her working hours at West Linton and is already enjoying working with our fabulous Primary 7 class.
We also welcome Mr Colin Hunwick to our ANA staff – Colin joins us with experience of working in both the primary and secondary sector.
Mrs Scott continues to be absent after her surgery, but is making progress in her recovery and we hope to see her fully recovered and back to work in March.
Netball Success
A huge congratulations to our netball girls, who attended the SBC Live Borders Schools Final at Queens Centre in Galashiels and won!

Assemblies and Citizenship Gatherings
From now until the February break, our Assemblies and Citizenship Gatherings will be focused on our Scotland Focus Fortnight; particularly ‘Who was Robert Burns?’ and ‘why is he important in Scottish Culture?’ The boys and girls will be learning a Scots poem in the first few weeks of term, and three pupils from each class will recite their poem at a Scots Poetry recital on 1st February. Our Primary 6s will also lead the school (and their parents) in a Burns Supper on 25th January.
As well as this, we will be re-visiting our School Vision, Values and Aims, sharing our Anti-Bullying and Respectful Relationships Statement, co created with staff, pupils and parents.
Finally we will be learning about UNCRC Article 12 and 31.
Shiny Science
We were lucky to have free science workshops for our upper school pupils this month. Light Lab and Live Borders teamed up to deliver the Shiny Science experiences, looking at the science of mirror and lenses through fun and creative experiments.