Joining WLPS


We wish to extend a warm welcome to all our new ELC and Primary One children and their families joining us in this extraordinary year. This page provides information to support children joining West Linton Primary School.

Transition to ELC and Primary School at the present time looks different from our usual practice. However, providing children with the opportunity to become familiar with their new environment and ELC or school setting still remains a key priority.

Resources to read and view with your child

We’ve created these resources so that your child has the chance to see around our ELC and Primary School, see the teachers and hear some of the things they will be doing. Building relationships is an integral part of the transition process and so these videos are presented by our Early Years Officer (Mrs Cheryl Lister), our Head Teacher (Ms Jenni Curson) and our Depute Head Teacher (Miss Hazel Whitefield):-

  • For our new ELC pupils, please click this link to see the Virtual Tour for children who are joining our ELC class for the first time, and
  • The booklet All About Us ELC (.pdf) aims to introduce ELC and the staff in an accessible way – print it to give to your child if you can.
  • For our new P1 pupils, please click this link to view our Virtual Tour to give you and your child a chance to see around the school building, and
  • See our transition presentation (.ppt) for new P1 parents and carers as a welcome and introduction to WLPS. This presentation has a voiceover.
  • The booklet All About Us  (.pdf) aims to show our School in an accessible way – print this to give to your child if you can.

New Primary One pupils have also been invited to communicate with their Primary Seven buddies via letters as a way to begin building the relationship with their older pupil mentors.

Please support your child to engage with these materials and opportunities as much as possible – we recommend watching the videos at intervals over the summer to enable your child to become accustomed to the adults and learning spaces they present.

For Further Information

If you have any further questions or require any additional details about transition to our Primary School or ELC, please contact us via the school email address ([email protected]) and we will be happy to help.

Please also review the rest of the website for other useful information about our school including our School Handbook (pdf).