Christmas in P6!

20th December 2022

What a busy month December has been! P6 thoroughly enjoyed singing as part of the Peter Pan Panto this year, they really worked hard to learn the words to all of the songs and performed brilliantly lots of times for pupil and parent audiences – well done P6! (Photos to follow from Mrs Meah!) 

We have also enjoyed making our Christmas Gonks for the school Christmas Fair – every single one was sold!  

The P6/7 party was definitely a highlight of the month, we had so much fun dancing and playing games together, the food was great too! And even though we didn’t win the lip sync battle we still gave it our all and enjoyed every minute of being Mariah Carey!  

Lastly we have included some photos of us using our 3D shape knowledge to create Christmas gift boxes from the nets of cubes, cuboids and square based pyramids – some were very tricky to make! 

P.S. We hope you like the tree we decorated for Mrs Butler, she likes everything to be neat!!!