P5 Christmas Service

P5 Christmas Service

22.12.22P5 planned, organised and presented a fantastic Christmas service on the last day of term. The service was around the theme ‘Christmas Around the World’ and included lots of interesting facts about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries, as well as...
Open afternoon – snowman craft!

Open afternoon – snowman craft!

Our parent/carers came in for our open afternoon and helped us to create some beautiful Snowmen decorations. We made them using common household materials so that they were eco friendly – they are made from old socks filled with rice! It was really helpful having the...
Talk it over

Talk it over

Talk it over activities During our resilience toolkit work this term we have been focusing on the strategy Talk it Over. We have discussed different times we have felt worried and realised everyone feels worried sometimes. We read the book ‘The Huge Bag Of Worries’ by...
P6 Addition and Subtraction

P6 Addition and Subtraction

Primary 6 are hard at work learning both mental and written addition and subtraction methods. We are using cubes, online tutorials and textbooks for today’s lesson. Ask us about...
P4’s Growing Conditions experiment

P4’s Growing Conditions experiment

P4 designed an experiment to see what conditions plant seeds need to grow. We grew cress seeds in light and dark, cold and warm and wet and dry conditions. We found out that they grow best when they have light, water and when it is not too cold.At the end of the...
P4 be cooperative Koala

P4 be cooperative Koala

Learning Powers    P4 using Imagination Iguana and Don’t Give up Dalmation to create 3d chrysalises which allow their butterfly to emerge safely.   P4 used the learning power Be Co-operative Koala to work together to build storm proof shelters using natural...