Feelings Game
P5 played the Feelings Game as part of our RSHP. We were each given a random card about feelings which said, for example: I feel tired when……….., I feel lonely when……….., I feel embarrassed when…………. etc. We had to think about when we had the feeling and...
New iPads!
Primary 5 have had a great start to the school year – we have been thinking about our values of Respect, Honesty and Kindness. We have used these to help us think about what we...
P3 Class Charter
P3 Class Charter 12/9/23 We are very excited about our dinosaur themed class charter! We made these promises so that we can all enjoy learning in Primary 3. We voted on which theme to have and everyone helped to create the display – we are so proud of it! ...
Scots in P1
Scots Focus During our Scots focus fortnight we have been enjoying learning Scottish words. We have learnt some of the Scots words for our body parts. Our favourite one is bahookie—we giggle when we say that one! We have been singing “Heid, Shooders, knaps and...