P7a Blog – 15th January 2025

Primary 7a have been working really hard to learn their poems or song for our Burns Assembly this week. Thank you for helping and encouraging them at home, I have now heard everyone recite their poem or song and I am so impressed with their effort! We will record the...

P7a Blog – 25th November 2024

Primary 7a have been enjoying learning all of their lines for our P6/7 Panto – “Panto Pandemonium!” We have begun to rehearse and it’s going well, we can’t wait for everyone to see it in just a few weeks! We have also been enjoying our...

P7 Curriculum Overview

The curriculum overviews for the 2024/25 year can be viewed via the following links Primary 7 Curriculum Overview – Term 1 (Autumn) Primary 7 Curriculum Overview – Term 2 (Winter) Primary 7 Curriculum Overview – Term 3...