P7 2022/23 Learning Updates

We are proud to inform you that the content in our Learning Updates is created by our “Digital Leaders”.

P7s Ford castle trip!

P7s Ford castle trip!

H Last week p7s went to Ford castle in England! Where they did loads of fun activities like: abseiling (walking off a bridge backwards!), zip...

P7 updates

P7 updates

Ministers for Competition have been busy judging entries to their school “Bookify” competition and will announce the winners very soon. Primary 7...

Learning in P7

Learning in P7

    In P7 we have been very busy with our Peter Pan pantomime which went very successfully! We have also been very proud of our success in...

Engineering and team work

Engineering and team work

Primary 7 worked together to design and make tall buildings that were able to withstand the effectsof an earthquake. We tested their ability to...