What a busy month December has been! P6 thoroughly enjoyed singing as part of the Peter Pan Panto this year, they really worked hard to learn the...

We are proud to inform you that the content in our Learning Updates is created by our “Digital Leaders”.
What a busy month December has been! P6 thoroughly enjoyed singing as part of the Peter Pan Panto this year, they really worked hard to learn the...
During the open afternoon Primary 6 welcomed their families to participate in making some Christmas crafts for the West Linton Primary School...
Primary 6 have been learning about debating and how to have an effective debate. Today we debated weather or not we should have zoos in this...
Primary 6 are hard at work learning both mental and written addition and subtraction methods. We are using cubes, online tutorials and textbooks for...
"Today Primary 6 were taking part in a listening activity, they had great fun taking turns to be the speaker and the artist!"