P2/3 enjoyed a taster session in massage in schools from the lovely Isabel, Lindsay and Pame. We learnt some weather message, enjoyed creating...

We are proud to inform you that the content in our Learning Updates is created by our “Digital Leaders”.
P2/3 enjoyed a taster session in massage in schools from the lovely Isabel, Lindsay and Pame. We learnt some weather message, enjoyed creating...
Primary 2/3 have been reading the novel “The Explorer” together. The story is based in the rainforest and as part of our writing he have enjoyed...
P2/3 have begun to learn about all things Scotland, as part of our Scots focus fortnight. We enjoyed listening to ‘The Gruffalo in Scots’ and ‘The...
P2/3 have been busy discovering lots about 2D and 3D shape over the last term. We looked at the names of different shapes and their properties and...
P2/3 have been reading Charlotte's web. They have been making friendship hearts using hand and finger painting. As you can see the p2/3s have been...