Christmas in P6!

Christmas in P6!

What a busy month December has been! P6 thoroughly enjoyed singing as part of the Peter Pan Panto this year, they really worked hard to learn the words to all of the songs and performed brilliantly lots of times for pupil and parent audiences – well done P6! (Photos...
Open afternoon

Open afternoon

During the open afternoon Primary 6 welcomed their families to participate in making some Christmas crafts for the West Linton Primary School Christmas Fayre. We had lots of fun crafting and we hope you enjoyed your visit. Thank you for...


Primary 6 have been learning about debating and how to have an effective debate. Today we debated weather or not we should have zoos in this country. The children used their iPads to research facts and come to a personal decision about their beliefs. They were very...
Open afternoon – snowman craft!

Open afternoon – snowman craft!

Our parent/carers came in for our open afternoon and helped us to create some beautiful Snowmen decorations. We made them using common household materials so that they were eco friendly – they are made from old socks filled with rice! It was really helpful having the...