Morning starter

Morning starter

Here are some examples of our morning starters, the P4s enjoy working together and being challenged in different ways.   image-20230914-080615-bbf384a6 image-20230914-080331-2b594e33 image-20230914-080316-92261ab6 image-20230914-080303-30f1295f...

P5-7 have been really enjoying our Structured Play sessions on a Tuesday afternoon. Pupils can choose which activity they would like to do- some of the choices are STEM, art and crafts, board games, chess, MUGA and loose parts play.    This week we had beautiful...

Learning powers

During the establishment phase, we focused on our Learning Powers and School Values. We completed different Learning Power Challenges each day. We will continue to use our Powers throughout the year when faced with various learning challenges. ...