Primary 5 have had a great start to the school year – we have been thinking about our values of Respect, Honesty and Kindness. We have used these to help us think about what we...
September 2023 Primary 2 all worked together to create a class charter. We made promises to help make our classroom a happy and safe place to learn this year. We hope you like our colourful fish. They are all unique-just like all of...
Primary 5 have had a great start to the school year – we have been thinking about our values of Respect, Honesty and Kindness. We have used these to help us think about what we would like our classroom to be like, and have created a class charter. We have also come up...
Primary 6 have been learning about debating and how to have an effective debate. Today we debated weather or not we should have zoos in this country. The children used their iPads to research facts and come to a personal decision about their beliefs. They were very...
Primary 5 are investigating plant systems. We have been sowing seeds to observe the stages of germination, learnt about what plants need to survive, and dissected flowers to see what the different parts of the flower are (thank you to Sarah Nussey for donating flowers...