

P4 have been exploring multiplication using arrays. It was amazing to see how many different ways we found to look at the same...
Talk it over

Talk it over

Talk it over activities During our resilience toolkit work this term we have been focusing on the strategy Talk it Over. We have discussed different times we have felt worried and realised everyone feels worried sometimes. We read the book ‘The Huge Bag Of Worries’ by...
P6 Addition and Subtraction

P6 Addition and Subtraction

Primary 6 are hard at work learning both mental and written addition and subtraction methods. We are using cubes, online tutorials and textbooks for today’s lesson. Ask us about...
Research in the library

Research in the library

Research in the library    Primary 5 are learning about information texts this term in literacy. We visited the library to find different examples of information texts (non-fiction books, posters, leaflets some websites etc), and then worked out what the main features...

Primary 2/3 have created our class charter. We chose a Jungle animals theme and decided what was important to make our classroom a happy place to learn together this year.We used our co operation learning power to help us to make a friendship web using a ball of...