by Gabriella | Nov 29, 2023
P2/3 enjoyed a taster session in massage in schools from the lovely Isabel, Lindsay and Pame. We learnt some weather message, enjoyed creating massage movements to some of our favourite nursery rhymes and even did some massage in Spanish! We are really looking...
by Gabriella | Jun 7, 2023
P4 have been learning about electricity and have been making circuits. We experimented with different materials around the classroom to see which ones conducted electricity and which ones didn’t. ...
by Gabriella | May 19, 2023
H Last week p7s went to Ford castle in England! Where they did loads of fun activities like: abseiling (walking off a bridge backwards!), zip lining, river rafting, trapeze, Jacobs ladder, archery and archery tag, rifle shooting, vertical challenge, army training...
by Gabriella | May 3, 2023
BikeabilityLast week we had bikeability training which was amazing! On Monday the whole year group was outside with the instructors to recap the basic skills we learnt last year and then on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we were out cycling on the roads with our...
by Gabriella | Mar 26, 2023
Primary 1/2 have been enjoying getting outside to take part in outdoor...